Protection Force (by Girex) for your Android Phone

Protection Force: Take command of your footmen and release them strategically to destroy your opponent’s base. 

The developers at Girex contacted us about a review and we initially thought that they were talking about some sort of antivirus application… but actually when they referred to an app, they meant this tower defense game.  Check out what we thought of this production in our week of less known games…

Gameplay:  This is a tower defense variant where you build soldiers… I describe it as a TD because your people act as mobile towers and protect the base by destroying the enemy.  After making your units, they’ll leisurely stroll over to the opponent’s base and engage in combat with anything that gets in the way.  The types of towers include bog standard hand to hand combat foot soldiers and the commonly used rifle wielding gunmen.  But this game isn’t like the classic defense games, it’s almost like it’s purposely been built to teach you how to handle shock waves.

What do I mean by this?  Well, imagine this: a steady stream of units march towards you and in return you send your dribble of defenders.  Eventually the units will exchange blows in the middle of the fighting area and slowly all the other units will walk in to join the battle zone.  But one side will rise victorious and when that happens, one army will just overwhelm the other.  This is when the shock wave appears, and you have many units compressed together.  The result is basically an unbeatable army densely packed together… at this point hopefully you’re winning, otherwise you’ll just give up and restart the game.

Irony: In the game description there is the following line: “Tired of boring, odd, and unpolished design games?”… well we found this hilarious because this game is totally unpolished in game design and to be honest its lacking in multiple different areas.  Sound effects are tinny and annoying, and the “Cool in game music” doesn’t have much variety.  Graphics are average, but clearly something is amiss… why are the animated soldiers only walking?? The only good thing is the menu system which seems quite cool… ok ok, that’s unfair, this weirdly designed game does create an interesting strategic scenario which people can find challenging.

Rating: 2/5 If you are looking for a different type of game which gives you a problematic war scenario, then this game is it.  To be honest we’re basically reviewing this game because we felt that sometimes we need to see the average games out there to remind ourselves of how amazing the good ones are.  Don’t ignore the fact that this game has over 10k downloads in it’s free version… honestly it’s worth having a quick look so you can understand how much effort game design really is!

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Developers: Girex


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