Android Games Review: Best Puzzle No. *** (SkyDStudio) | Android Games Review

I’m just reviewing these games because I’ve seen a few of these… and yes I’m a guy who’s attracted to a nice pair.  Anyway, this is found in the games section of the Android Market, so I’m covering it.

Gameplay: It’s a jigsaw game.  You select a piece, rotate it or move it, and then shove it onto where you think it should go.  You can zoom in and out, and move around on your canvas.   After you’ve put some pieces together then you can do a multi-select to move groups of pieces all together.  There’s a “view full” button which allows you to see the full image of the jigsaw in case you need help figuring out what should go where.

As with normal jigsaws, the trick is to start on your edges, and then work your way inwards.

Plus Points: The interface is interesting, and is fairly smooth.  Unfortunately, I don’t think the polish is quite there on the controls – though it shouldn’t be that far off.

Verdict: 1/5 Unfortunately, I think these games have missed a trick here…  Jigsaws need to be physical tiles.  It’s way faster completing real jigsaws, and it’s much more satisfying to do real ones.  With actual jigsaws, you can frame them after they’re complete.  These games are about a megabyte large eventhough they’re installed on the SDCard.  So you’re quite unlikely to keep them on your phone.

If you’re enticed by the picture/photo, then you can see the photo in all its glory by pressing the view full button.  If you are going to try it out, make sure you have the internet or wi-fi turned off so the adverts don’t pop up.  Alternatively, you can do a Google image search which should result in better pictures to gawk at.

One of SkyDStudio’s Best Puzzle Number’s QR Codes

Developers:  SkyDStudio

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