Gone Fishing Review

Gone Fishing: Angling on steroids! Wow, you can find a game substitute of any hobby these days.  But weirdly enough

Plants War Android Review

Plants War: DotA or LoL on your phone! Confession time…  I must admit that I actually very rarely buy games

Parallel Zombies Press Release

PerBlue to release Parallel Zombies, a Location-Based Action MMORPG for Android.  Save your city from hordes of zombies starting July

Cryptica Review

Cryptica: Test your brain power in this ancient and exotic puzzle game! As with all good puzzle games, they start

Starship Commander Review

Starship Commander: Blast through galaxies and stop the alien invaders! Gameplay: This is a top-down scrolling spaceshooter and the core

Bank Job Android Review

Review of: Bank Job Android Review Android Game: Screwtape Studios Reviewed by: Android Games Review Team Rating: 4 On June

Pick of the Week >> Space Keeper

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